Inspiring Quotes

Inspirational Quotes

The secret of contentment is knowing how to enjoy what you have and to be able to loose all desires you reach, lets not be materialistic.


You may not be perfect in many things but may things cannot be perfect without you.


Silence is the best answer you can give to an issue, because what's the use of admitting or denying, when in the first place you are already "judged"


There are two reasons why you can't sleep 
1. too much happiness is in your heart that excite.
2. there's a pain in you that causes your mind to think.


Past is experience, present is experiment, future is expectation, so use your experience in your experiment to meet your expectation.


Don't ever put your head down while walking and always stand with you chin up. otherwise how will the world know that your a world class hottie, keep burning.


Things we learned by experience:
1. Don't talk to much when your mad. you might say things you don't mean.
2. Making decisions takes time. don't rush
3. Life is like a chess. one wrong move and your game is all messed up.
4. Never let your pride ruin everything. better to lower your pride than to loose someone because of pride.
5. learning from your own mistakes makes you smart,but regard yourself as wise if you learn from others.


Focus on what you want, not on what you are afraid of.


Distance is never a reason to forget people we love and care for. why? because distance is equal to velocity over time, forget is not the equation.


Guideposts in life:
1. Be kind to yourself.
2. looking good is feeling good.
3. you are not out to please everybody.
4. expect little, but do your best and dream big.
5. Smile a lot! it's healthy.
6. Laugh your heart out. Be silly.
7. Live light and keep it simple.
8. Failure is good starting point.
9. you are blessed. don't forget to say thanks.
10. Have faith, God answers our prayers.


Its better to have differences to have something to share, than to always be the same that makes things be compared.


A greatest character will always make you more attractive than someone who only has a great face but no substance, thus beauty catches the attention but character catches the heart.


Maturity is not speaking big things, but actually its about understanding small things.


A clever story:
A wise man sat in the audience and cracked a joke. everybody laughs like crazy, after a moment He cracked the same joke again, less people laughed at this time. He cracked the same joke again, and again. when there is no laughter in the crowd, he smiled and said "you can't laugh on the same joke again and again, then why do you keep crying on the same thing again and again."


No one could change a bad beginning but, anyone can start a good ending.


The secret to cope with life's unpredictability is to realize that everything that happens to us happens with a purpose. Don't be frustrated, never give up on life, everything that comes along will always have great lessons to be learned. live life of serenity not by a life of regret.


Silence and smile are two powerful tools. Smile is the way to solve many problems, and silence is the way to avoid many problems.


Simple music can make you sing simple hug can make you feel better, simple things can make you happy, hope my simple HI can make you smile.


When people hurt you, think of them as sand papers, they may rub and scratch you painfully, but eventually, you'll end up smooth and polished, while they end up worn out.


When you take a lot of time making correct decisions, just remember, Even a correct decision becomes wrong, when its too late.


The greatest gift that you can give to someone is your time,
when you give your time to someone your giving them a portion of your life that never get back.


Intelligence is like underwear, you should always have it, but you need not to show it off, you should only take it off when necessary and when you don't have it,it shows


Why do you close your eyes, when you pray. when you cry, when you dream, when you kiss, because the most beautiful things in life, are not seen,. but felt by the heart.


Great Facts:
1. Regular naps prevent old age. especially if you take them while driving :p
2. Having one child makes you a parent; having two makes you a referee.
3. Marriage is a relationship wherein one person is always right and the other person is the husband.
4. They said we should all pay our taxes with a smile. I tried but they wanted cash.
5. The human brain functions 24 hours a day, 365 days a year until you fall in love.


Everyday is a blessing, every breath, every smile, every tear that falls from your eyes are worth thanking for.
life ends when you stop struggling to survive.
battle ends when you stop standing every time you fall.
and hope ends when you don't believe anymore.
don't look back, don't look ahead, just look up and thank GOD for another day, because not every person in this world is given a chance to wake up today.


Mornings are made by GOD to make us fall in love with life, not just once but again and again.
mornings are created for us to see the beauty of life and to know that there are people who care and pray for you to be healthy and strong.


They say that noisy people are not serious.
but they never know.
that behind those happy smiles and joyous laughter are a thousand kind of pain, which they tried to hide ever since.
laughter is not only the best medicine!
sometimes, it's the best disguise.


If you want happiness in your life remember these lines:
never be a beggar of LOVE always be a donor of it.


Just when you realized your mistake, just when you've learned your lesson you'll fin out that there's no second chances and everything is gone too late.


In life always remember one thing before doing something good or bad, "what you do is what defines you".


Even if you do things the right way, some would still be unsatisfied, some will not appreciate what you say and what you do.
there would always people who would let you down too,
but as long as you speak honestly from your heart,
you'll be fine
this is not a perfect world nor a perfect life,
life is always UNFAIR.
but life loves the person who dares to live it.


No one falls in love by choice, it is by chance. no one stays in love by chance, it is by work. and no one falls out of love by chance, it is by choice.


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