Funny Quotes

I love my mom cause she teach me how to walk, how to write, how to talk, how to love. but there's one thing she failed to teach me, she didn't teach me how to dogie .


Hours in the internet feels like a minute, but minutes of studying feels like an hour.


Old meaning of sorry " i won't do it again" new meaning of sorry "damn i got caught, next time i need to be more careful"


Broccoli: i look like a tree
Wallnut: i look like a brain
Mushroom: i look like an umbrella
Banana: hey, could you please change the topic?


Kiss is a gamble, S** is a game boy's do the action, girls get the blame, they say your pretty, they say your fine, but nine months later, they say "its not mine".


Law of reality:
Never ever get into fights with ugly people, they have literally and figuratively nothing to loose.


A black baby is given a pair of wings by a fairy,the baby asked "does this mean i'm an angel? " fairy laughs, "of course not, your a bat.


When you feel depressed and lonely, cheer up, just go into the mirror and say "shocks, i'm so cute" finally you'll overcome your sadness but, don't make it a habit because liars go to hell.


Man visit Chinese friend dying in hospital friend says "Di ta guae yong khee" and dies. Man goes to china to find meaning of friend's last words
"men don't step on my oxygen"


5 tips for girls, to live a happy life
1. have a guy to help you with work
2. have a guy who can make you laugh
3. have a guy who spoils you
4. have a guy to love you5. make sure that those 4 guys don't know each other.


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